Monthly Archives: September 2018


A MIND AT PLAY is a book that provide us with a conscious description of the marvelous mind of Claude Shannon. Shannon was a mathematical genius in every sense of the word. His dedication to technology in addition to his intelligence and creativity lead him to the creation of new technological inventions such as the circuit, and the switch box among others. He considered that the best of his work was done when he was young. Unfortunately this genius lost the battle when Alzheimer took over his mind.

Cold War

I was amazed to see the first computers built during the Cold War. When comparing old computers with modern ones, I realized that the path has been long and challenge. There is no doubt that Shannon’s intelligence was a great resource for technological advancement.

Idealism and Realism

The previous class where idealism and realism were discussed was very interesting. The examples given in the pp helped me to clarify the concepts of both terms. I consider myself an idealistic person. I love watching the sunset because it is the only time that we can enjoy a diversity of bright colors, furthermore, it is like the sun is saying goodbye.

The Shallows

I enjoyed reading The Shallows. Nicholas Carr describes in a precise and simple way the impact that new technology is having in our brains and lifestyles. He comments that the Net has taken possession of the human mind in both young and adults. The Shallows is a total and real description of how technology is affecting us all.

Loudness war

In the article Loudness war, important points about music have been highlighted. For example in the early 1940s many albums were considered victims of loudness. In modern times the compression use in videos or music in general can also affect sound’s quality. Music will always be a topic of discussion due to new technology and fans demand.